Updating the Corpus Christi UDC!

Camiros is assisting the City of Corpus Christi in an update of sections of the Unified Development Code. The first component is an update of the zoning districts and uses, and their associated standards, such as parking and landscape. The next component will be an update of the subdivision regulations.

In December 2022, Camiros will present the first part of this update - the zoning component. The subdivision regulations draft will follow later, anticipated to be Spring 2023.

Zoning regulates what structures and land are used for, where structures may be located on a lot, and how big they can be. It also regulates other important elements of land development, such as parking, landscape, and accessory structures. Through zoning, the City of Corpus Christi is organized into a series of districts so that uses, physical development patterns, and other regulations can be tailored to the character of each area of the City and aligned with the goals of Corpus Christi’s adopted plans.

Subdivision regulations provide the rules for dividing land into buildable lots, as well as the rules for public improvements that serve those lots.